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How to Develop Your Circle

Are you surrounding yourself with people who make you better? Everyone talks about how important it is to have a great inner circle, yet we all have had or still may have people in our lives that we consider to be toxic, at worst or complacent, at best. These individuals are not necessarily bad people, but they might zap your energy from time to time. Here are a few tips on how to develop a circle of people who can help support you in your future goals and endeavors.

1. Assess your current relationships. Those closest to you can have a great impact on you whether you notice it or not. The impact could be positive or negative, but I would guess that most people want others in their inner circle who add a positive benefit to their life. So think long and hard about those in your inner circle and those with whom you spend the most time and ask: (1) "how does this person positively contribute to my life?" (2) "how does this person support me in my goals?" and (3) "am I my best self when I am with this person?"

2. Limit interactions with those who drain your energy. If you assessed your current relationships and found that someone in your inner circle drains your energy or is not leading you to be your best self, then you will need to limit your interactions. Notice I said limit interactions versus completely kick them out of your life. Removing someone from your life is easier said than done, so you need to learn more about what you need to be your best self before completely removing someone from your life. As you limit interactions with those who drain your energy and spend more time with those who support you and and help you to be your best self, you will learn more about yourself. You can then use what you learn about yourself to determine if the people who drain your energy need to be completely out of your life. Sometimes people are energy suckers and they do not realize it, and your new found mindset could be the motivation they need to move toward some goals in their life. However, if a person brings more negative than positive to your life, you must make a decision that is best for you.