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About Us     

Get to know the people behind ELA Education Services, LLC

What We Do

Established in 2016, ELA Education Services, LLC  concentrates on mindset and success strategies for young adults, 18-30, to get the most out of life. We help young adults develop a clear plan for after graduation, tap into their passion, and transform into their true, authentic selves.


We promote education that enhances personal and professional development for young adults or those who work with young adults. From helping instructors with tools for an inclusive classroom to helping students to develop leadership skills, our company provides high-quality sessions that take participants on a personal journey of self-discovery, leaving them empowered to move forward with their goals and social justice advocacy.

How We Do 

To help you, we

  • Produce material (i.e. workbooks) that helps people reflect on critical questions to be their best self.

  • Provide a FREE Consultation.

  • Provide one-on-one sessions & group sessions.

  • Post Newsletters & blogs to provide self-improvement and diversity/social justice tips and strategies.

  • Sponsor a FREE Success Ambassador Program for ambitious young adults who want to gain leadership skills and help their peers.

  • Work with high schools and colleges to conduct empowerment and diversity training. 


Our Mission 


people to realize their full potential, by assessing themselves, in order to effectively contribute to US society.


people to reach for their goals while also being inclusive of various backgrounds.


people with everyday tools for empowerment, improvement, self-discovery and social justice advocacy.

Your Personal  Coach/Consultant

Dr. Evette L. Allen Moore

Founder & CEO

I have 10+ years of experience in Higher Education and have worked in various areas on college campuses such as New Student Orientation, academic advising, and multicultural affairs. I use this knowledge to work with young adults on leadership development, social justice understanding, and setting goals for their future.  I am originally from Arkadelphia, a small town in Arkansas. My passion for student affairs and social justice is evident in my research agenda and community activities. I have a research agenda that focuses on the experiences of Students of Color in Higher Education and social justice education. My research can be found in Higher Education journals such as the International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Equity and Excellence in Education, and NASPA Journal about Women in Higher Education. 
As the owner and CEO of ELA Diversity Education Services, LLC, I look forward to working with you to help you reach new heights. I started this work because I truly believe that young adults are our future. Further, understanding others has a huge impact on healthy relationships and an effective society that values all backgrounds. I believe that empowerment and social justice education opens a world of opportunities for individuals, and I am passionate about helping people engage in critical conversations that will leave them empowered and better able to affect change in society. 


I look forward to using my combination of education, leadership experience, success strategies, training, and research to aid you!

Why Choose Us?


Our programs are designed with

self-growth and critical thinking skills in mind. 

Plan of Action

Participants leave sessions with a plan of action.


Participants leave sessions feeling empowered and ready to implement change.

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